Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thrifty Thursday - Homemade Stain Remover

Inspiration comes from all kinds of places... This one came from Facebook. A friend of mine was talking about making homemade laundry soap, and I thought I'd like to try it.  I was doing research on recipes, when I came across directions for homemade stain remover for the laundry... Since Shout pre-treat was on my list this week, I decided to try it.

This is the recipe I found.

2/3 cup dishwashing liquid
2/3 cup ammonia
6 tblsp baking soda
2 cups warm water
A spray Bottle and 10 minutes ...

Mix everything together and pour into a spray bottle. I rinsed my empty bottle really well (my empty SHOUT bottle, nonetheless! Yes, I was being cost conscious.), including the sprayer, with warm water, and just reused it.

To use,  shake gently (GENTLY! Or, it may foam in the bottle.) and spray on stains. I like to rub mine in, and let it sit for a few minutes.

I can't wait to go to work this week, so I can try it out on those nasty food stains!

I had everything on hand, but wanted to give you a price breakdown. When I went to the store, I did price out Shout, and the items I used.

The bottle of real Shout... $2.68

The dish soap... Original  Palmolive...$1.08 for 18oz
Ammonia... $1.12 for 64 oz
I forgot to price the baking soda, but I think it was around $1 When I bought it. I used about half the box... That's my story, and I am sticking to it.

So, when I did the math, it came out to about 92 cents for this batch of stain treatment. I actually overflowed my spray bottle, and a small portion of it went down my kitchen sink, so it was probably cost less to fill the bottle.  That is a substantial savings over the "real thing"

I would like to mention a few safety tips that my hubby and son came up with... I would not recommend using dish soap with bleach, or using this formula in a load of laundry with bleach... Mixing ammonia with chlorine bleach can cause deadly gasses! Don't try it!

I would like to thank Jillee at One Good Thing, for posting this recipe. She seems to have had great results. I will let you know how it turns out for me!

Thanks so much for reading my blog!
Let me know if you found this useful.
Crafty Claudia

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